Renewing Your P.E.
P.E. Michelle Kim P.E. Michelle Kim

Renewing Your P.E.

I can’t believe it’s almost three years since I passed my P.E. exam! But it’s officially time to renew my license. Today let’s talk about the renewal process and what you can expect.

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The Myth of Meritocracy
D.E.I. Michelle Kim D.E.I. Michelle Kim

The Myth of Meritocracy

Meritocracy is rooted in the ideal that we’d all get rewarded based on how good we are at our jobs. Which sounds totally peachy. But the fact of the matter is that in the modern workplace, merit is often confused with wealth, privilege, conformance to the status quo, and other nonsense. Meritocracy in action is actually pretty f***ed up.

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How I Plan
OFFICE Michelle Kim OFFICE Michelle Kim

How I Plan

I love to plan. It allows me to be in full control of my life and how I spend my time. This post goes over exactly how I plan from my lifetime goals, to projects, to tasks, to the daily to-dos. Even if you’re a planning novice, planning-adverse, or just not into the hyper-organized vibe… I think there’ll be something in this post for you to walk away with to help improve your life.

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Tracking Accomplishments
CAREER Michelle Kim CAREER Michelle Kim

Tracking Accomplishments

This is something I wish someone had told me when I first stepped into the workforce. Keeping track of your accomplishments is something you need to be doing. Let’s talk about why you should keep track and what you need to be keeping track of.

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How to Say No
OFFICE Michelle Kim OFFICE Michelle Kim

How to Say No

This two letter word can be so hard for some of us to say. But setting boundaries, prioritizing yourself, and advocating for yourself is so f***ing important. Learning to be a better no-sayer is a muscle, so let’s start flexing it.

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You F***ed Up
D.E.I. Michelle Kim D.E.I. Michelle Kim

You F***ed Up

You offended someone. You microaggressed. Your unconscious bias informed your decision. You f***ed up... It happens. Nobody’s perfect. But it is how we address our mistakes that matters.

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Prepping for Time Off
OFFICE Michelle Kim OFFICE Michelle Kim

Prepping for Time Off

This is basically an extended P.S.A. to not be a total d*** by taking off for PTO without giving a s*** about your coworkers or projects.

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D.E.I. Michelle Kim D.E.I. Michelle Kim


Taking steps with DEI can be hard work. Plus it’s not really the market for instant gratification. So how do you keep motivated?

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OFFICE Michelle Kim OFFICE Michelle Kim


Feeling like s***? Maybe you’re burned out. What’s the remedy? Let’s talk about it.

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Specification Station
ENG101 Michelle Kim ENG101 Michelle Kim

Specification Station

It’s the station stop that no one wants to get off at. But as an engineer, you’re gonna have to deal with specifications eventually. So today, let’s take a quick five minutes to briefly go over specs.

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Résumé Q&A
CAREER Michelle Kim CAREER Michelle Kim

Résumé Q&A

About to start your career or thinking about a change? A résumé helps you get there. Today we talk to two recruiters on how to improve your résumé.

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D.E.I. Michelle Kim D.E.I. Michelle Kim


How do I introduce a topic like microaggressions? Maybe we start with the overused dictionary definition cliche. Imagine a pregnant pause while I adjust the microphone. Webster’s dictionary defines microaggression as a comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group. Okay, so there’s the definition, but now what? Let’s talk about what you need to know about microaggressions.

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Be a Quitter!
OFFICE Michelle Kim OFFICE Michelle Kim

Be a Quitter!

My favorite piece of advice to give is: Be a quitter! I run across a lot of super-driven people who don’t know when to quit something that f***ing sucks. Today we talk about how quitting can be great advice to give.

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