Scale Rulers 101
ENG101 Michelle Kim ENG101 Michelle Kim

Scale Rulers 101

Today we’re going to talk about scale rulers. For years, you may have been using this little tool as just a simple straight edge or wasted your time counting the squares on graph paper to draw sketches. Well, no more. Today I’m going to help you unlock the time saving magic of using a scale ruler to its full potential.

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CAREER Michelle Kim CAREER Michelle Kim


Last year, I participated in my company’s formal mentoring program where I participated as a mentee. Turns out mentoring relationships are f***ing dope. If you’re thinking about becoming a mentee, check out this post.

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New Year, New Allies
D.E.I. Michelle Kim D.E.I. Michelle Kim

New Year, New Allies

It’s a new year and with that comes new year's resolutions. This year let’s all aim to be better allies. How can we do this? Glad you asked. Let’s talk about it.

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You’re a Presentation Tool
OFFICE Michelle Kim OFFICE Michelle Kim

You’re a Presentation Tool

One of my goals this year was to become a better presenter. After working on it all year, I’m ready to share some things I’ve learned with y’all! Let’s get into it.

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Winter Field Outfits
IN FIELD Michelle Kim IN FIELD Michelle Kim

Winter Field Outfits

Today is the winter solstice (in the northern hemisphere). So I thought it would be fitting to discuss winter field outfits. How are you going to keep yourself warm in the field this season?

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Site Visit Photography
IN FIELD Michelle Kim IN FIELD Michelle Kim

Site Visit Photography

The best advice I can give to those of you on your way to your next site visit? Take a butt load of pictures. Let’s discuss how to make sure you’re getting the most out of your pictures during your next site visit.

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The Case for DEI
D.E.I. Michelle Kim D.E.I. Michelle Kim

The Case for DEI

I work in an industry that, kindly put, isn’t known for its diversity. From being refused access onto job sites to being paid less to do more to microaggressions… it’s hard out on these streets. The best way that I can channel my frustration is to actively try to make change where I can. In this new “D.E.I.” series, I will take you along this journey as I tackle the topic of diversity, equity, and inclusion and attempt to implement change where I can. And to start us off, let’s begin with the basic question of “why.” Why should you and everyone else care about DEI?

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Technical Interview Questions
CAREER Michelle Kim CAREER Michelle Kim

Technical Interview Questions

If you’re an engineer and going in for an interview, be warned that they may ask you some technical questions to assess your knowledge and skill. Let’s talk about how you can prepare for and approach these types of questions.

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Standing Out
CAREER Michelle Kim CAREER Michelle Kim

Standing Out

Recently, I’ve been feeling like a small fish in a big pond. Throw in working from home and projects being on hold, and I felt that I needed to come up with a new game plan to help me advance in my career. It can feel a little daunting to prove yourself, but here are five actions that I’ve been taking to set myself apart from the crowd. Maybe you can set yourself apart too.

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Think Big
P.S.A. Michelle Kim P.S.A. Michelle Kim

Think Big

Here today with a PSA to ask you to think big picture before diving into your next assignment.

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Resetting Your Goals
OFFICE Michelle Kim OFFICE Michelle Kim

Resetting Your Goals

As the saying goes, s*** happens. And right now, there’s a lot of s*** happening. So, the goals I set at the end of last year have taken a bit of a turn. If you can relate, this post may be for you.

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How to Unplug
OFFICE Michelle Kim OFFICE Michelle Kim

How to Unplug

Do you feel like working remote has given your work day extra strength for weaseling its way into your personal life? Then, check out my end of the day routine that helps me transition from work to play. Yours for only five easy installments of $free.99.

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Shaking Interview Nerves
CAREER Michelle Kim CAREER Michelle Kim

Shaking Interview Nerves

So you’re about to go in for an interview! Congratulations! Are you nervous? If you are, read this post for some tips on how to shake off those nerves.

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Non-Compete Agreements
CAREER Michelle Kim CAREER Michelle Kim

Non-Compete Agreements

When you’re fresh out of school and ready to start a new job, it seems like no biggie to sign a non-compete agreement preventing you from working in the industry for a few months or up to a year after you quit. You’re excited about working for Initech! What could possibly go wrong? Let’s talk about it.

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Recruiters Don’t Know S***
CAREER Michelle Kim CAREER Michelle Kim

Recruiters Don’t Know S***

In my experience, recruiters don’t know s*** about the industry or even the job description. But they can be the trolly little gatekeeper you have to pass through to get the job you want. So today, let’s talk about how to pay this pesky troll toll.

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Summer Field Outfits
IN FIELD Michelle Kim IN FIELD Michelle Kim

Summer Field Outfits

Not sure of what to wear on site in the heat of the summer? Here are four outfit ideas modeled by my Bitmoji to give you some inspiration on what to wear on your next hot weather site visit.

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The Art of Passive Aggressive Emails
WRITE Michelle Kim WRITE Michelle Kim

The Art of Passive Aggressive Emails

The art of passive aggressive emails is something we all master after years of dealing with the idiots that work amongst us. Being direct and calling the idiot an idiot is not exactly work appropriate. On the other hand, not addressing your rage is completely dissatisfying. You eventually learn to find the perfect sweet spot of secretly calling people out while still under the umbrella of professionalism.

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How to Speed Up
OFFICE Michelle Kim OFFICE Michelle Kim

How to Speed Up

Your project manager asks you to spend fewer hours to accomplish a task, but provides no guidance on how to actually do it. What should you do? First, let’s take a moment to mentally flip off that project manager. And then, let’s actually discuss practical solutions for improving your work speed.

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