How to Unplug


Do you feel like working remote has given your work day extra strength for weaseling its way into your personal life? Then, check out my end of the day routine that helps me transition from work to play. Yours for only five easy installments of $free.99.

4:30 Outlook Reminder

I’ve put a recurring appointment in Outlook for my sign-off time. This can serve two purposes. One, the time can be marked as unavailable, so people know to schedule meetings before I planned on signing off for the day. Two, I can get a little electronic reminder to start winding down for the day.

4:45 Closing Time

By now I’ve gotten to a good finishing point on whatever I was working on. I jot down my to-do list for tomorrow and let people know I’m signing off. I turn off my laptop and close it. I turn off my monitor. I put away my notebooks and writing utensils. I unplug my ethernet cable from my laptop, wind it up, and put it away by the router in the basement. My desk is clean and clear and ready to start again tomorrow. Plus, everything is put away so it’s not as easy to pop back online.

5:00 Change Outfit

A little Mr. Rogers wardrobe change can really change your mindset. After I’ve signed off for the day, I change from my work sweatpants to my lounge sweatpants and from my work sweatshirt to my lounge sweatshirt. (What a transformation!) Even though it’s basically the same outfit, you’d be surprised as to how much this can help me feel like my day has shifted from work to play.

5:15 Go for a Walk or Stretch

If it’s a nice day, I’ll take my dog on a short walk around the neighborhood. If it’s gross out, I might take some time to do a few light stretches. After sitting at a desk all day, it’s nice to get in a little physical activity. It gives me some renewed energy for my personal time. Plus it loosens up some of that desk-induced tension in my back and shoulders.

5:30 Dinner Time

Now it’s time to cook/eat dinner with the family. We eat a delicious meal (and dessert!) while watching something fun on TV. There’s lots of people who advise not to watch TV while eating. Supposedly this will make you fat, but I think eating cake everyday is probably a worse offense (and I eat cake everyday).

7:00 Me Time

Now that family time is over, it’s time for some me time. I’ll watch something on TV, work on a hobby, or read a book and just unwind from the day. Because my desk is located in my bedroom, I did have some trouble relaxing/sleeping at the start of my work from home journey. But I’ve found a few ways that helped me separate my work space and sleep space:

  1. A room divider. Physically hiding my desk from view obviously helps separate the spaces physically.

  2. Lighting a candle. The power of scent is not to be underestimated. Filling the room with a nice relaxing scent helps set the ambiance. Once your brain makes the association with the scent and relaxation, it becomes a trigger that let’s your body know it’s time for bed.

  3. String lights. Mood lighting definitely gives a different vibe to the room. My string lights put me in a joyful mood and help me unwind from the day.

But wait, there’s more! If you’re still having trouble unplugging, I’ve got a few more tips.

  1. Delete Your Mail App: If you keep checking your mail in your off hours, you have a problem. Cut it off at the source and delete the app. It’ll make it harder for you to be a workaholic.

  2. Make Plans: Having an “appointment” can help force you to sign off for the day. So make a plan to call a friend right at closing time. And after you’ve been having a great time laughing and chatting with your friend, are you really going to sign back onto the server?

  3. The Unexpected Hero: We all have worked with a slacker before. Working with this person low-key sucks. But today, this person is your new hero. They sneak out early on a Friday, sneak out early too! They don’t care when a task takes longer than originally planned, so you can be kinder to yourself when things don’t go as planned. They can complain about how much they have to do on the one tiny project they are working on, so maybe this one time you can say “no” to someone asking you to take on additional work that you don’t want to add to your plate.


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