Site Visit Photography
The best advice I can give to those of you on your way to your next site visit? Take a butt load of pictures. Let’s discuss how to make sure you’re getting the most out of your pictures during your next site visit.
Take a s***-load of photos
The more photos you take, the more likely you will have the photos you need later on. Taking extra photos is free, so go HAM. Take an extra SD card if you need to. Make sure to take general photos of the site and take photos from all different directions. Your future self will thank you.
Beware of blurry photos
In low-light situations, you may find yourself with a bunch of unusable blurry photos. Make sure you’re taking stock of your photos as you’re going along. Use flash if you need it.
“Number” your photos
If you’re inspecting a lot of similar items, you’ll want to number your photos. You can write numbers on a sheet of paper and take a photo of the different number to identify each item. If I don’t have paper, I’ll just use a photo of my boots as a marker between different items. This will make it easier to sort through the photos later. Otherwise, the first bollard will look just the same as the fiftieth.
Turn off the “finger” filter
You’re going to hate yourself later when you find your finger in all your photos. Move your fingers from the lens! If you’re a repeat offender, you’ll want to scan through your photos before you leave the site to make sure your photos don’t f***ing suck.