Cut to the Chase


I know a lot of you out there think it’s polite to preface your questions or requests with meaningless chit chat… but I’m here to tell you that I would really rather you cut to the chase. You have not asked me how I’m doing for months. And now that you need something from me, you’re going to act like you care about my day today? Frankly, you’re just wasting my time.

Can we all just agree to make it the standard to just cut to the chase?

Note that I’m not a total anti-social grump. If you genuinely want to chat with me about something I’m interested in chatting about… I totally welcome it! I do actually enjoy chatting with coworkers (well, the ones that I like…) about my weekend plans, my dog, and my hobbies. Just don’t come over here with that fake a** s*** anymore.


Tracking Accomplishments


How to Say No