Slice of Humble Pie


A very happy pi day to y’all! Perhaps a hefty serving of humble pie would be the best way to celebrate this holiday?

Here are three signs that tell the world you need a healthy dose of humble pie:

  1. You think you know everything. You don’t. And it’s chill! Some people like to act like they are some sort of infinite source of knowledge. But they’re not fooling anyone with that bulls***. It’s okay to acknowledge you don’t know the answer sometimes. Don’t be the person that says “I know,” when you don’t know.

  2. You never make mistakes or it’s never your fault. Well, ya do. But this is chill too! Some people feel like they need to excessively explain their mistake or blame something outside themselves. I think this is a terrible strategy. Not only did you make a mistake, you are now also wasting everyone’s time with your lame-a** explanations. It’s okay to admit you made a mistake and move on. Use your time to figure out a solution, don’t waste any more of my time with your excuses.

  3. You already know what I’m going to say. Well you can’t read minds, so maybe you should try something called “active listening.” Stop only hearing what you think is being said. Hubris is not your friend. Don’t be that person. Don’t be so in love with your own f***ing thoughts that you can’t listen to someone else.




Specification Station