Be a Mentor


Investing in young engineers is part of the job, so act like it.

The effort and prioritization of mentoring younger engineers should at least be within the same ballpark of your project deliverables. It shouldn’t just be something you half-a** when you have “nothing better to do.” Investing in others is actually one of the best things you can do. Here’s three simple reasons why:

  1. It’s the cycle of engineers. People invested in you so that you could get your P.E., and now it’s your turn.

  2. It’s a selfish investment. The better trained younger engineers are, the more likely they can successfully take work off your plate.

  3. It’s rewarding. Helping others and seeing them grow totally kicks a**. Heartwarming, plus good karma.


Money Pleeeeeeease!


Renewing Your P.E.