Improve Your Writing


There’s a big stereotype that engineers suck at writing. And I’ve read an unusual amount of  embarrassingly unreadable reports, so the stereotype kind of holds up. But I promise you: We can spit out our calculations and also get our points across clearly, concisely, and logically. Being skilled at math and being a proficient writer don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

So in order to help the s*** writers out there, I’m going to be putting together a new series of posts about how to improve your writing skills as it relates to engineering. Think of it as a totally free, mildly entertaining Engineering Writing Workshop. Check out the syllabus below.

  1. Build Your Template: How to format your Word documents

  2. Technical Writing Mistakes: Common mistakes and how to avoid them

  3. Get to the Point: The age-old battle between quantity vs. quality

  4. The Art of Passive Aggressive Emails: How to call that person an idiot, without calling them an idiot


Build Your Template


Take a Chill Pill